Tag Archives: Travel

Washington D.C. in photos

…well mostly.

Last weekend Brad’s Great Aunt Eugene was married at the Fairmont Hotel in Washington D.C.  We went up on Saturday morning and arrived in mid afternoon; just in time to freshen up for a cocktail hour at the soon-to-be-married couple’s condo in Potomac, Maryland.  True to form, I was too shy to take pictures of the delicious food lavished upon us all weekend.  We were usually dining with family to which I haven’t fully disclosed the blog.  Granted, I’ve mentioned it but haven’t made them watch me take photos through an entire meal.  So, these photos are missing the an important part of any trip – the food.

But, maybe this is a good thing.  See, I’ve been struggling a little bit lately with the content of my blog.  I want to use it to gather recipe and share ideas about food, but on the other hand, the blogs I enjoy reading most also focus on their everyday life and their lifestyle.  I came for the food, but I stay because I feel wrapped up in these bloggers’ lives.  Weird huh?  I don’t even know these people really, but on the other hand, I kind of do because they share so much of themselves with their readers.  I would love to share more of myself but I guess I’m a little scared of being narcissistic or  being seen as narcissistic.

On the other hand (I think I’m working with three hands now) I kind of see this more of a journal that I censor somewhat and don’t care if other people read it too.

So here is a food-less, mostly wordless, explanation of what I did last weekend.  Did I mention I’ve never really spent any amount of time in D.C. before and I love old architecture?  Here come the monuments.

Brad and I went here on Monday morning.  It’s the National Art Museum and it’s free!  I’ve never been to a decent museum that is free and we’ve been to several seeing how Brad and I both love art.  However, Brad especially loves art and is actually a very talented drawer himself.  Their visiting exhibit had some very famous Van Goghs and Monets, which we were very lucky to see.

The most incredible Post Office I’ve ever seen.

My soon-to-be family: Brad’s brother, Justin and his wife, Sarah; Brad’s parents, Joy and Wally; and Brad and I.  We took these photos in the most beautiful atrium in the Fairmont Hotel as we were waiting on the wedding to begin.

Finally, a shot that shows what Brad does to me when he’s not posing nice for the camera.

I just love Brad’s parents!  They were having their picture taken by Sarah and didn’t know I was snapping side shots from my position on the couch.

I know a bee box when I see one.  Is the Obama harvesting his own honey?

Sidewalk art.

Brad and I toyed with the idea of recreating the scene from Forrest Gump that was here.  But didn’t want to visit the D.C. jail and thought the water didn’t look very clean.

This is the right wall at the Lincoln monument.  I often see photos of the monument and Lincoln’s statue, but don’t usually see the interior walls.  Wikipedia tells me that the murals are depicting governing principals in Lincoln’s life.  This is the south wall (I think?) which shows Unity, Fraternity, and Charity.  Sorry if I’m boring you, I just love history. 🙂

We rested on a bench right outside the Mall.  We were a sweaty mess at this point and so glad to be under the shade trees.

Question:   How do you decide how much of your personal life to include in your blog?  And, what do you prefer to read about in the blogs you read: some personal stuff, just a little, all food all the time, etc.?


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